Easter morning, Liam woke up with a pretty bad rash so we decided to stay home from our family Easter get together to avoid getting anyone else sick. After a very long Sunday, we finally found out that he had Erythema Multiforme Minor, but after several doses of medication and lots of TLC, he is doing much better.
Today, my parent's hosted a little Easter dinner for us since we didn't get to make it last week.
Liam really wasn't too impressed with the idea of having to walk around to pick up all of the eggs, and when he finally got to one he would just pick it up and shove it in his mouth. After letting him break two or three (empty) eggs, I tried to show him that you put the eggs in the basket and chew on them later. He was not having any part of that. ;)
Liam's big cousin, Skye, was such a big help this evening!
I can't believe we actually got a family picture. Betcha didn't expect my hair to be blonde?! Yeah….me either. Happy (late) Easter to all of my mommy friend's and your beautiful families!! I am so happy that we actually got to celebrate Easter, even though we are a week late.
I'm off to watch HGTV and snuggle with my babes.
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