Sunday, April 27, 2014

Liam's health update

Last Sunday, Liam's rash popped up and it was all downhill from there. 

It started out as just a few spots on his back and 103.6* fever, but the rash quickly spread all over his body.  Two urgent care trips, one six hour long emergency room visit, one visit to his regular pediatrician and one very helpful new blog friend Tawnya and we finally got some answers.  Several weeks back, I was browsing through some of my favorite blogs when I ran up on Tawyna's post about her daughter's illness when I thought to myself….poor baby girl! I have never seen anything like that before! She had been diagnosed with Erythema Multiforme Minor, a hypersensitive reaction usually triggered by an infection or from taking an antibiotic. After 3 trips to the hospital, Eli and I had referred back to her post and it clicked. Liam had EM. He had to. His rash looked just like Scarlett's.  We took the night to rest and went in to his pedi's office as soon as possible. 

By morning, the poor little guy's rash had gotten a hundred times worse.  The nurses at the office were so sweet and took us in right away because they saw how miserable he looked.  Before I could even suggest EM to his doctor, she blurted it out and started treatment (Benadryl) right away.  I told her about my previous hospital experiences and that I wanted to be 100% sure this was it.  She ran a flu test and checked his oxygen, everything was fine.  We were sent home with a prescription and Benadryl around the clock. I kid you not. Within two hours of taking his prescription, the rash started to disappear and his swelling was going down.  I am so thankful for Tawnya and the nurses at Liam's pediatricians office! 

When I got the confirmation that Liam had EM, I immediately commented on one of Tawnya's IG posts to see if she would email me because I had so many questions about her personal experience. I refreshed my email when we got home from the pharmacy and bam! She had taken the time to email me and was so sweet to send encouraging words about what we were going through.  I am so grateful for the blogging world as it provides so many opportunities to offer support to each other.  :)

One week after his rash popped up, and Liam has complete five full days of medication. His rash is now completely gone.  There is a small chance of relapse, however we are looking good so far.  Thank you to everyone who took the time to send well wishes via text messages, email, and Instagram.  Our family felt so overwhelmed with love!!! 


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