Sunday, May 11, 2014

My new journey!

I graduated from high school in 2010. I attended a local junior college during the fall and planned on transferring to University of Houston once I had completed all of my core classes. In July of 2012, I fell pregnant with a due date of April 2013. I decided I would enroll in one more semester before I took some time off. In October of 2012, my family lost a very special 16 year old. Our nephew, Kevin, had passed away in our home due to a blood clot in his heart. I ended up withdrawing from school as I was having pregnancy complications and was mourning the loss our of nephew. It seems like ever since then, things have just been going downhill and there has always been a reason for me to not finish my education. This past week, I had had enough. I had my transcripts sent over to a new junior college to finish a few more classes before transferring to earn my bachelors degree at UH. I am so excited for this fall! Words can't describe how motivated I am to finish my education and finally live my dream as an elementary school teacher. 

I want to thank Eli, my family and my friends as they have all been such an amazing support system for me. I also want to thank Liam as he is my BIGGEST motivation to finish school and to be a better me! 

I'll leave you with a few photos from Mother's Day. We had so much fun spending time with my family! 

Who knew swimming and playing in a water sprinkler would make this little guy so tired?! ;) 

Happy Mother's Day to all of you! May you have a relaxing evening and a full nights sleep. ;)


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