Wednesday, June 18, 2014

21 things

Several of my fav blogs have had a post lately about their favorite things. The number of things posted corresponds with their age, so today you're getting 21 things about me. ;) I think it is so fun to  learn more about the person behind the blog!

1 // I am the oldest of three kids. I have one sister and one brother.
2 // I grew up in a small-ish town (small compared to Houston) in a house that was just 4 houses down from my aunt and my cousins. So much fun!
3 // No matter how hard I try, I will never be organized and my house will never be spotless. With a dog and a toddler, and working full time, we are lucky to have clean clothes on our backs and a home cooked meal on the table....or tray. ;)
4 // Grocery shopping is my happy time. I love being at the grocery store when I am not in a rush, with or without Liam. I love browsing through the aisles and buying new things to try!!
5 // With a toddler in charge of the TV, two of my favorite movies are The Lorax and Frozen.
6 // Obsessed is an understatement when it comes to Target. I LOVE TARGET. I love everything about Target. I love that you save 5% with your Target Debit Card. I love that Target has adorable toddler clothes. I love that Target has cute handbags and lots of nail polish. I love that Target always has the best quality clothes in the ladies department. I love the Target Dollar Spot.  I love the Target clearance sections!!! 
7 // I am a full time mama, full time employee, and an going back to school full time in August to continue working toward my Bachelor of Science degree.
8 // My favorite number in 8. It reminds me of the infinity symbol and it makes my heart smile. It also reminds me of this stupid sign in elementary school that we had to trace with our pointer finger when we got in trouble in P.E. 
9 // I fell pregnant when I was only 19, and had Liam when I was 20. Best thing that could have ever happened to me. Yes, it put my education on hold. Yes, I didn't get to really "party", but there is nothing I would have changed about how things happened. He is perfect and our lives couldn't be better.
10 // I could live in yoga pants and tank tops every single day. SO comfy!
11 // I have lost many people in my life, mostly older people due to old age or cancer...but they were all older (well over 70) and really had the chance to live their lives. In the past two years, I have lost two young kids that are very close to my heart. When I was 14 weeks pregnant with Liam, our nephew lived with us. *caution-prepare yourself for what you are about to read* I went into the living room and tried to wake him for the day. Minutes later, I realized he wasn't breathing and I had to call 911. Eli had already gone to work and I had to go through this horrible experience alone. He was 16, he didn't get to actually "live" his life. It was cut too short. In August of 2013, my brother and his friends got in a car accident and Chase's best friend, Austin, who was much like my little brother, didn't make it. These two losses are the hardest to stomach. I still have days where I can't get myself to stop crying. 
12 // I started reading blogs when I first got pregnant, which was only two at the time...Little Baby Garvin and Baby Max (which has not turned into Wedding Bells and Puppy Dog Tails). Now I have a long list of favs and read them daily, which is what inspired me to start blogging!
13 // I met Eli at my job at Houston Swim Club. He as an instructor and I worked in the office. 4 months later, we started dating and now we have a baby toddler! 
14 // I love cooking and experimenting with new recipes, particularly from Pinterest or from other blogs!
15 // I have always wanted to have an Etsy shop, but I have no idea what I would sell!
16 // I LOVE getting packages in the mail!! So much fun when you have a "good mail day"! :)
17 // I have a love/hate relationship with running. Some days, I am like YES. I want to run 500 miles!! And the next, I'm like "Can someone push me in Liam's stroller?!"
18 // I love going to concerts. I have seen N'SYNC, Britney Spears, Pussycat Dolls, Eli Young Band, Alan Jackson, Ellie Goulding...ok, so as I'm naming these I'm thinking to myself "I don't think i've been to that many concerts...I can name them all"...ya, no. I don't remember all of the concerts i've been to! But, I do have to say Ellie's was my fav! I got to meet her and she is SO SWEET.
19 // I love stuffed animals and teddys. Any time I see a cute teddy or frog (or mickey mouse, for that matter) I always pick one up for Liam. Wanna know what he does with them? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I now have 20 stuffed animals to call mine. ;)
20 // I LOVE holidays. The happiness that fills each room is magical!
21 // I am oddly good at History, although I never really liked the subject! 

There ya have it! What do we have in common?!


  1. Thanks for sharing! I need to do this!

    1. It was pretty tough! I didn't think it would be that hard to find 21 things about myself! lol but yes!! I would love to read it!
