Thursday, May 1, 2014

Liam's Favs

Over the past two weeks, Liam has fallen in love with Easter eggs! I don't know if it's the color of the eggs or if it's the sound they make when he bites down on them smashes them together, but whatever it is….he's digging it! 

Liam loves bath time! We usually let him play for a while before we wash up and get ready for bed. He loves to play with his munchkin alphabet letters and numbers and his Bath Time! book that he got for his birthday!

He is also LOVING bubbles! His great grandma and his grandma both put bubbles in his Easter basket this year, and so did we!

Liam isn't much of a meal eater, but more of a snacker.  This scares me because I want to make sure he gets all the nutrition he needs to grow big and strong! We have tried several different items and then try them again later, but not much has worked. Last night, I gave the gerber graduates spaghetti rings with meat sauce another try. Before I knew it, half of the container was gone! He didn't seem interested anymore so I put the rest in a ziploc and refrigerated the left overs.  Tonight, I popped that little blue container in the microwave for 17 seconds and he finished the rest of his "spaghetti o's"! I am one happy mama tonight!

When we get home from work, I usually start dinner while Liam plays in our downstairs toy room.  Most of the time, I'll find him reading a book or playing with his trucks. One of his favorite books lately is the Slide and Find Trucks Book.  There are so many surprise pictures to see in this hard back book! All of you boy mama's have to check this one out! :)

Last weekend, Liam was diagnosed with EM.  Treatment for EM includes lots of Benadryl and a 5 day prescription liquid steroid. Liam turned one on April 3rd and still wasn't walking…Day one of being on  his prescription meds and this kid was cruising!  We gave him a few days to get the hang of walking barefoot, and then we tried to add these Nike Flex Experience Athletic Shoes. It was quite comical at first, but this little boy keeps surprising his mama! Liam will be running laps in no time. ;)

Don't forget to head over to to sign up for the 100 happy days challenge!
I dare you!

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